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“One-stop Administrative Appeals System” being Established with the Expectation of Increasing

  • Date2024-07-18
  • Hit564

One-stop Administrative Appeals System” being Established with the Expectation of Increasing Convenience for Citizens


- Held a project launch briefing and a workshop for agencies subject to the integration on Monday, June 17, 2024

- Providing a one-stop service, from filing an administrative appeal to checking results, by integrating distributed appeals systems

- Planned to promote AI-based enhancement after the launch in May 2025


(June 17, 2024, ACRC)


Starting from May 2025, any citizen who files an administrative appeal will be able to seek protection for their rights and interests through a single window in a faster and more convenient manner.


The Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (ACRC, Chairperson Ryu Chul Whan) hosted a launch briefing on the administrative appeals system, inviting administrative appeals agencies, including the Tax Tribunal and Health Insurance Dispute Mediation Committee, and relevant experts to share the project implementation direction and future plans.


During the workshop, a discussion was held to seek greater perfection of the system concerning matters of each area, including detailed measures to integrate systems, a standardized categorization system for administrative appeals, and expansion of written decision disclosure.


The administrative appeals were divided among agencies that utilized the online system of the Central Administrative Appeals Committee and others that established and operated their own systems. There also have been some agencies that only received appeals in writing without any system.


As a result, people experienced difficulties where they had to navigate themselves to find channels for filing appeals. There also have been issues concerning overlapping investments in administrative appeals agencies, such as system maintenance costs and operating personnel.


Once the “one-stop administrative appeals system” is established, the single system will ensure work from filing administrative appeals to checking results regardless of the types of administrative appeals, including general matters, petitions, taxations, compensation insurance, and land.


In addition, the implementation of electronic appeals will increase the work efficiency of appeals agencies while joint utilization of the system is expected to reduce budgets. Moreover, customized services, such as providing appeal cases, will become available by establishing administrative appeals big data.


ACRC plans to launch an “integrated window for pan-governmental administrative appeals services” in May 2025 for 118 agencies. The Commission also plans to advance the system by incorporating services, such as AI-based petition/decision autofill and 24/7 legal consultation.


ACRC Chairperson Ryu Chul Whan said, “The one-stop administrative appeals system which will be newly established will significantly increase conveniences for citizens and ensure administrative processing. We will put much effort to ensure the system plays its role as measures to protect the rights of citizens for the era of digital platform government.”

  • docx 첨부파일
    2. (240617) “One-stop Administrative Appeals System” being Established with the Expectation of Increasing Convenience for Citizens.docx