News & Publications
Press Release
Anti-Corruption Body Wins Best e-Gov’t Award in Sweden (Oct. 31, 2008, The Korea Times)
Korea's Transparency Ranking Rises to 40th (Sep. 25, 2008, The Korea Times)
Countries Learning Korean Anti-corruption Model (2008, Sep. The Korea Times)
Anti-Corruption Office Adopts Tougher Standards (Aug. 2, 2008, The Korea Times)
[Opinion] Protect Small Businesses (jul. 9, 2008, The Korea Times)
Panel exports anticorruption expertise (jul. 3, 2008, The Korea Herald)
ACRC Accepts Petitions in Foreign Langugaes (Jun. 17, 2008)
Free Consultation on Corruption-Free Planned (jun. 4, 2008, The Korea Times)
Free legal aid (May 31, 2008, The Korea Times)