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Teachers top the list of ethical professions

  • Date2010-06-21
  • Hit919

According to a survey conducted by the Anti-corruption and Civil Rights Commission (ACRC), Korean people perceive teachers to be the job category with the highest integrity and ethics (47.8%) among 25 surveyed professions, followed by religious leaders, military officers, university professors and doctors.

The profession perceived to be the least ethical was National Assembly members (ranked 25th), following the local council members (ranked 24th) and construction company executives (ranked 23rd).

Teachers top the list of ethical professions


In the area of government services, public officials in foreign affairs and national security were thought to be the most honest and ethical (29.1%) followed by those in social and cultural affairs (26.8%), local lawmakers (23.3%), general administrative ministries (23.2%) and economy ministries (19.4%). 
Among business workers, executives in information and telecommunication/service companies (28.3%) were chosen as the most honest and ethical. Following them were executives in wholesale/retail distributors (19.4%) and those in finance/insurance firms (18.2%).

Meanwhile, in the ranking of job integrity perception on investigative and judicial services, judges were evaluated as the most honest and ethical (29.0%) followed by police officers (25.9%), prosecutors (21.0%) and lawyers (16.0%).  

Results are based on telephone interviews with 1,000 adults aged over 20, conducted from 31 May to June 3. The sampling error was ±3.1% at a 95% confidence level.