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ACRC Provided a Place for Communication with Vietnam to Strengthen Anti-Corruption Cooperation

  • Date2022-12-09
  • Hit1,093

ACRC Provided a Place for Communication with Vietnam to Strengthen Anti-Corruption Cooperation


- Extended Korea-Vietnam MOU on anti-corruption cooperation, shared anti-corruption policy performances, and discussed plans for cooperation -


(November 11 2022, ACRC)


The Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (Chairperson Jeon Hyun-Heui, ACRC) held a policy meeting to extend the “Korea-Vietnam MOU on anti-corruption cooperation” and discuss plans for future cooperation.


On November 9, the ACRC visited Hanoi, Vietnam, to share anti-corruption policy performances, such as the enforcement of the Prevention of Conflict of Interest Act with the Central Commission for Internal Affairs (CCIA, Chairman Phan Dinh Trac) and discuss plans for cooperation.


Vietnam is Korea’s long-time partner country as it marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries this year. Vietnam is also the Party of Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) and signed the “MOU on Anti-Corruption Cooperation” with the ACRC in 2010, keeping its commitment till the present and continuing policy exchange on anti-corruption cooperation since then.


20 officials, including the Korean delegation represented by ACRC Anti-Corruption Bureau Director General Han Sam-Seok, CCIA Vice Chairperson Nguyen Thai Hoc, and relevant officials from The Office of Government Inspectorate of Vietnam participated in the meeting and discussed the ways to further increase the level of integrity in both countries.


At the meeting, the ACRC shared Korea’s anti-corruption policies as of 2022, such as the enforcement of the Act on the Prevention of Conflict of Interest Related to Duties of Public Servants and the implementation of Comprehensive Integrity Assessment, and discussed future cooperation plans.

The CCIA, Vietnam’s agency that oversees the country’s anti-corruption policies, explained the implementation of Vietnam’s anti-corruption policies as of 2022.


The Office of Government Inspectorate of Vietnam, an agency responsible for handling reports of corruption, which established Korea’s Anti-Corruption Initiatives Assessment in 2016 and has implemented the assessment involving the People’s Council of 63 provinces in Vietnam as of now, shared updates on the implementation of the assessment at the meeting.

CCIA Vice Chairperson Nguyen Thai Hoc said, “Over the past decade, the ACRC continuously shared Korea’s anti-corruption policies and systems with Vietnam, which has been a great help for the establishment and implementation of anti-corruption policies in Vietnam. We hope to further strengthen the relations between Korea and Vietnam based on the outcome of this cooperation meeting.”


ACRC Anti-Corruption Bureau Director General Han Sam-Seok said, “This meeting has been a meaningful opportunity to reaffirm close and cooperative relations between Korea and Vietnam. We look forward to further enhancing anti-corruption capacity through active cooperation efforts among agencies in the two countries”




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    (221111) ACRC Provided a Place for Communication with Vietnam to Strengthen Anti-Corruption Cooperation.docx