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ACRC’s Public Participation System and Anti-Corruption Education Introduced as G20 Bali_

  • Date2022-12-09
  • Hit1,434

ACRC’s Public Participation System and Anti-Corruption Education Introduced as G20 Bali Good Practices


- People's Integrity Policy Monitoring Group and anti-corruption education are included in the G20 Annex -

(November 30 2022, ACRC)


Public participation systems for anti-corruption policies and education programs of the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (Chairperson Jeon Hyun-Heui, ACRC) were introduced as good practices in the Annex to the G20 Bali Leader’s Declaration on November 16.


“Compendium of Good Practices on Public Participation and Anti-Corruption Education” was adopted as one of the Annexes to the G20 Leaders’ Declaration 2022 on the 16th.


The compendium is based on practices of anti-corruption public participation and education programs in G20 countries at the G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group meeting to raise people’s awareness of anti-corruption and spread a culture of integrity.


The compendium provides various practices that the ACRC carried out in order to raise people’s awareness of corruption and establish a culture of integrity.


Good practices of public participation included the People's Integrity Policy Monitoring Group, public surveys reflected in the Integrity Assessment of public institutions, and corruption and public interest violation reporting system through an online platform.

Good practices of education programs on anti-corruption included mandatory training for public officials about the prevention of corruption and programs for future generations, such as children’s puppet shows on integrity, education for elementary and middle school students about ethics and morals, and web dramas including the value of integrity.


ACRC Assistant Chairperson of Planning and Coordination Office Lim Yoon-Ju said, “The compendium provided an opportunity for Korea’s public participation in anti-corruption and good education programs to be shared with the international community. The ACRC will make efforts to ensure the value and culture of integrity are further spread in society.”


  • docx 첨부파일
    (221130) ACRC’s Public Participation System and Anti-Corruption Education Introduced as G20 Bali Good Practices.docx