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영문 반부패 뉴스레터 (2017년 3분기)

  • 작성자변규태
  • 게시일2017-10-26
  • 분류뉴스레터
  • 조회수1,981
영문 반부패 뉴스레터(2017년 3분기)

ACRC Korea Transparency Newsletter Q3 2017



▷ 문 대통령 “부정부패 척결이 새 정부 모든 정책의 출발” (’17.9.26)

President Moon says anti-corruption should be first priority of new government

President Moon discussed future direction of anti-corruption policy at the national level with the heads of anti-corruption related agencies at the 1st Anti-Corruption Policy Consultation Council.


▷ 권익위, 각급 기관에 공익신고자 비밀보호 철저 요청 ('17.7.11.)

Take an extra care to protect whistleblower’s personal information

The ACRC requested all public organizations to take a special care to keep whistleblower's identity confidential while handling reports of corruption.


▷ 새 정부의 반부패 의지 UN서 소개된다 (’17.7.10.)

New administration’s anti-corruption policies presented at the UN forum

Park Kyung-ho, Vice Chairperson of the ACRC, introduced the anti-corruption policy direction and major policy tasks of Korea’s new administration at UN High-level Political Forum.


▷ 공공기관 청렴도 측정 및 부패방지 시책평가 본격 실시 (’17.7.17)

Integrity Assessment and Anti-Corruption Initiative Assessment to be conducted on public organizations

The ACRC plans to conduct Integrity Assessment for 701 public organizations and Anti-Corruption Initiative Assessment for 257 public organizations this year.


▷ 올해 상반기 제‧개정 법령 부패요인 230건 사전 차단 (’17.8.8)

230 corruption-causing factors removed from new and amendment bills

The Corruption Impact Assessment focuses on rationality of burden of compliance, transparency of deliberation committees and concreteness/objectiveness of discretionary regulations.


▷ 권익위, 더불어민주당과 기업옴부즈만 현장회의 개최 (’17.7.13)

Government and ruling party listen to grievances of businesses on site

The ACRC held an on-site business grievance meeting jointly with the ruling party to listen to and address grievances of small and micro enterprises on July 14.


▷ 권익위, 부패‧공익신고 보상금 2억 8,374만원 지급 (’17.8.24)

KRW 283 million paid to reporting persons for the fifth time this year

The ACRC paid financial rewards worth KRW 283.74 million to 42 reporters whose reports contributed to the recovery of improper benefits.


▷ 권익위, 외국기업 고충해결을 위한 현장회의 개최 (’17.8.30)

ACRC hosts event for communication with foreign businesses

The ACRC and European Chamber of Commerce of Korea held a meeting with foreign companies on August 30 to listen difficulties of foreign businesses operating in Korea.


▷ 기업 신제품 출시 행사에 한국기자도 초청 가능 (’17.9.14)

Korean journalists can be invited to foreign company's new product launch event

According to the ACRC, a foreign company can provide Korean journalists with meals and hospitality of the same level offered to other journalists for new product launch.


▷ 일반국민 89%, 청탁금지법 시행에 찬성 (’17.9.25)

Eighty nine percent of Korean citizens support the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act

A greater number of citizens, public officials and the education sector support the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act compared to last year when the Act took effect.


▷ 청탁금지법 시행 1년, 공직자 자진신고 많아...높은 자율준수 의지 보여줘 (’17.9.28)

One year into the enactment of the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act

The Act is expected to resolve blind spot in the Criminal Act in fighting corruption, and its joint penal provision for businesses is very effective.


▷ 공익신고자 보호 대폭 강화 (’17.9.28)

Protection for public interest whistleblowers to be significantly strengthened

The Act on the Protection of Public Interest Whistleblowers was amended to expand matters subject to protection for whistleblowers and apply punitive damages to whislteblowing cases.


▷ 권익위, 민관협력으로 반부패 네트워크 재구축 (’17.7.21)

Through public-private cooperation, ACRC is to rebuild anti-corruption network

The ACRC held a meeting with Korea's major anti-corruption civil organizations on July 21 to discuss measures for the development of sustainable anti-corruption public-private governance.


▷ <코리아헤럴드> 국제적 투자가를 끌어들이는 청탁금지법 (‘17.7.10.)

[The Korea Herald] Anti-graft act to attract international investors


▷ <코리아헤럴드> 국민 10명 중 9명 청탁금지법 효과적 ('17.9.21.)

[The Korea Herald] 9 in 10 Koreans say anti-corruption law effective

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