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영문 반부패 뉴스레터 (2017년 4분기)

  • 작성자변규태
  • 게시일2018-01-23
  • 분류뉴스레터
  • 조회수1,683

영문 반부패 뉴스레터(2017년 4분기)

ACRC Korea Transparency Newsletter Q4 2017

▷ 권익위, ‘ADB/OECD 아태 반부패 컨퍼런스’ 개최 (’17.11.14)

ACRC hosted the regional anti-corruption conference for Asia and the Pacific

The ACRC, ADB and OECD co-hosted the 9th regional conference aimed to spread an anti-corruption culture across the Asia Pacific region in Seoul on November 15-17.

▷ 부정청탁금지법 시행령 개정안 시행 (’18.1.16)

A amendment to the enforcement decree of the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act

The ACRC amended the enforcement decree of the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act to fulfill the initial legislative purport and to become more adapted to the reality.

▷ 부정청탁금지법 1년, 사회·경제 전반 긍정적 영향...농축수산물 등 영향업종 매출 감소 (’17.12.12)

A comprehensive analysis of socio-economic impacts of the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act

One year on, the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act has brought a positive social and economic impact while the sales of affected industries were lowered.

▷ 청탁금지법 1년, 교육현장 촌지 등 부정적 관행 사라져 (’17.9.22)

Improper practice at school such as giving money envelope to teachers is disappearing

SMOE announced the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act has brought about positive changes to the education sector, reducing improper solicitation practice at school.

▷ 권익위, 장애인 행정서비스 확대·개선 권고 ('17.10.17.)

ACRC recommended improving administrative services for people with disabilities

The ACRC came up with measures for resolving inconveniences in the daily lives of people with disabilities and sent recommendations to the relevant organizations.

▷ 권익위원장, 주한영국대사와 반부패 협력 방안 논의(’17.10.26.)

ACRC chairperson discussed anti-corruption cooperation with UK ambassador

ACRC Chairperson Pak Un Jong met Charles Hay, the UK Ambassador to the Republic of Korea, to discuss the anti-corruption policies of Korean government and bilateral cooperation in anti-corruption.

▷ 국민신문고, “국민이 선택한 ‘대표적 정부 소통 채널’” (’17.11.1)

E-People listed as top 10 communication channels of the government

e-people was selected by citizens as one of the top ten excellent administrative services marking the 50th anniversary of e-government in Korea.

▷ 2017년 공공기관 청렴도 7.94점, 전년 대비 0.09점 상승 ('17.12.6.)

2017 Integrity Index of Korea recorded 7.94

According to the results of 2017 Integrity Assessment released by ACRC, the comprehensive integrity level of public organizations recorded 7.94 on average, up 0.09 year-on-year.

▷ 권익위, 비위공직자 불법 재취업 적발, 전원 고발 조치(’17.10.12)

ACRC uncovered the illegal employment of public officials dismissed for corruption

The ACRC brought criminal charges against 5 public officials, who violated the post-employment restriction after having been dismissed for corruption.

▷ 권익위, 부패·공익신고자 56명에 6억 3천여만원 지급 (’17.11.14)

KRW 630 million paid to reporting person of corruption/public interest violation

The ACRC paid financial rewards worth KRW 630 M to 56 reporting persons who contributed to the recovering or increasing revenues or cutting down costs of a public organization.

▷ 권익위, ‘의료분야 리베이트 관행 개선’ 공개토론회 개최 (’17.12.1)

ACRC held a discussion to curb the illegal rebates in the health and medical care industry

The participants of the public forum recognized the need to strengthen voluntary control system in which all relevant stakeholders engage.

▷ 정부의 부패척결 의지와 정책 UN서 소개 (’17.11.6)

Korea’s anti-corruption policies introduced at the UN

Pak Un Jong, Chairperson of the ACRC, presented the efforts and strong will of the Korean government to fight corruption at a UNCAC conference in Vienna.

▷ 권익위원장, 세계옴부즈만협회 아시아지역 이사 선출 ('17.12.6.)

ACRC chairperson was elected as IOI Asian director

Pak Un Jong, Chairperson of the ACRC, said that she would put her utmost into the development of the IOI and the Ombudsman institution and into the active partnership of the IOI Asian region.

▷ 정부보조금 부정수급 3중 점검 감시 체계 마련 (’18.1.11)

Government to build three-tiered system to monitor fraudulent claim of subsidies

The measure aims to remove loopholes in management of government subsidies through a three-tiered monitoring system involving electronic system, public agencies and citizens.

▷ 권익위, ‘기업 준법경영시스템’ 제도개선 공개토론회 개최 (’17.10.31)

ACRC held a discussion to improve the corporate compliance management system

The ACRC will develop reasonable institutional improvement measures such as ways to strengthen the role of non-executive directors and compliance officers.



▷ 현대 기아차 24만대 리콜 사건 등 2017년 5대 공익신고 사건 선정 (’17.12.28)

ACRC selected five major public interest whistleblowing cases

The ACRC selected public interest whistleblowing cases directly related to people's daily lives or with a huge social impact such as HYUNDAI and KIA Motor's recall.



▷ 권익위, ‘세계 반부패의 날’ 맞아 다양한 청렴 행사 개최(‘17.12.1.)

ACRC held various events marking ‘The International Anti-Corruption Day’

The ACRC held anti-corruption events such as an anti-corruption initiative contest and a nationwide integrity campaign during the anti-corruption week.



▷ 방위사업청, ‘2017 방위사업 반부패 국제 콘퍼런스’ 개최 (’17.11.30)

DAPA held the International Conference on Anti-Corruption in Defense Acquisition 2017

The Defense Acquisition Program Administration hosted a conference to create an ecosystem of integrity and strengthen anti-corruption commitment throughout the defense sector.



▷ 권익위, 인사 채용비리 근절을 위한 범정부적 노력에 동참 (’17.10.30)

ACRC to join gov’t-wide efforts to root out corruption in personnel affairs and recruitment

The ACRC analyzed corrupt personnel management practices in the public sector and carried out an all-out examination on the entire employment process of 271 public service-related organizations.



▷ 권익위, 2017년 반부패 시책 경연대회 개최 (’17.12.11)

ACRC held '2017 Anti-Corruption Initiative Competition'

The ACRC hosted a contest to promote competition over integrity among public organizations and share best practices of anti-corruption measures.

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