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2021년 10월 영문 반부패 뉴스레터

  • 작성자한은실
  • 게시일2021-11-15
  • 분류뉴스레터
  • 조회수7,725

ACRC Korea Transparency Newsletter (October 2021)


ACRC Compensates for All Litigation Expenditure Due to Reporting to Enhance Reporter Protection

- Grounds for monetary rewards and awards made inclusive to promote public interest reporting


ACRC ran an anti-corruption training course for public officials from 23 countries

- ACRC ran an international training program for five days from October 18, 2021 to share its anti-corruption polices and experiences.


ACRC Initiates Building Reporting System to Prevent Conflicts of Interest That Any Korean Citizen Can Use

- A Standard Reporting System Will Be Accessible to All Public Institutions


ACRC National Defense Ombudsman Protected Rights and Interests of 13,000 Service Members and Families During the Moon Administration

- 7,889 National defense and VA grievance closed resulting in 1,862 cases resolved


ACRC Witnesses 20.3% of Acceptance Rate of General Cases in Administrative Appeals This Year, A Record High in 20 Years

- Unfairness in addition to illegality are actively considered in general cases to protect citizens’ rights and interests


ACRC Provided Online Counseling Services to 62,000 Grievances over the Last Two Years in Contact-Free Society

- It will proactively identify and tackle the cause of inconvenience in everyday life and civil complaints involving multiple government agencies


콘텐츠 정보책임자

  • 콘텐츠 관리부서
  • 전화번호

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