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2021년 12월 영문 반부패 뉴스레터

  • 작성자한은실
  • 게시일2022-01-19
  • 분류뉴스레터
  • 조회수13,733

The ACRC announced the results of the 2021 Integrity Assessment(IA) for public institutions

- The Comprehensive Integrity Level has increased four years consecutively since the launch of the new administration, recording 8.27 points this year, similar to last year


2022 Government Report - Changes made with the people, a government fulfilling its responsibilities to the end

- Korea of integrity and fairness, a government that guarantees the people’s rights and interests


ACRC Chairperson Jeon Hyun-Heui Presented ‘Anti-Corruption Policy Direction’ at 9th Session of the Conference of the State Parties to the UNCAC

- Chairperson Jeon, representing Korea, attended the UNCAC COSP9 online and delivered a keynote speech on the importance of reducing COVID19-induced social disparities and stronger citizen participation in establishing anti-corruption policies


ACRC Chairperson Jeon Hyun-Heui Shared Korea’s Anti-Corruption Reform Experiences and Presented Future Integrity Policy Direction at Global Conference

- She was invited as a speaker at a global conference hosted by the Palestinian Anti-Corruption Commission


ACRC to Lead Anti-Corruption Policy Efforts in the International Community in Cooperation with Transparency International(TI)

- On December 20, ACRC Chairperson and TI CEO held a meeting and agreed to strengthen global cooperation to prevent corruption


ACRC and UNDP to Continue to Cooperate to Spread Korea’s Anti-Corruption Policies to Developing Countries

- ACRC-UNDP MoU has been extended for two more years


ACRC to Strengthen Cooperation with Vietnam to Fight Corruption

- On December 1, ACRC-CCIA Anti-Corruption Cooperation Meeting was held to share each other’s anti-corruption policy achievements and to discuss cooperation measures


ACRC to Share Korea’s Anti-corruption Policy Achievements with the World at ‘OGP Global Summit 2021’

- On the 17th, ACRC held anti-corruption breakout sessions which can still be watched at YouTube channel ‘OGP Korea’


Revised draft of the “Act on the Prevention of Corruption and the Establishment and Management of the Anti-corruption and Civil Rights Commission,” which significantly enhances    confidentiality, protection, and reward of corruption reporters, passed by the National Assembly at the plenary session on Dec. 9th

- Implementation of the system of non-real name proxy representation for corruption reports


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